Consultancy & Services

OSCA is not just a training provider. We believe in a holistic approach to managing workplace safety and worker competency. Just as a building relies on a strong foundation, workplace safety relies on key fundamental concepts and worker competency relies on underpinning knowledge and repeatable skill sets.

To this aim, OSCA’s focus is to establish a firm workable set of base parameters and build from there. In relation to workplace safety, we first look to see if a company has the necessary framework in place to address legislative compliance. Unfortunately, for many companies, this is as far as they go. OSCA ensures that company policies and procedures are just the first step. A company can have the best intentions in mind, proven by robust, encompassing standards and procedures but if they can’t apply safety principles in the workforce then workplace incident and accidents may still lead to serious injuries, and/or reduced production.

At OSCA our aim to to assist companies not only with establishing sound guidlines to manage workplace safety, we work with strategic area team leader to create a safety culture within the organisation that empowers employee to make a difference. To the holistic loop the managing workplace safety, OSCA offers an external auditing and awards program. It’s easy to pat yourself on your back but nothing feels better when others recognised your efforts.

Occupational Skills Centre Consultancy And Services

Confined Space Management

This unit covers the entering and working in Confined Spaces in resources and infrastructure industries. It includes planning and preparing for entry of Confined Spaces; entry and working in Confined Spaces, exiting Confined Spaces and cleaning up.

This unit is appropriate for those working in Confined Spaces for the purpose of carrying out work or inspections.

Working At Heights

The QLD Workplace Health & Safety Regulations is very clear on the obligations of employers with regard to height safety. All employers must first and foremost try to eliminate or minimise the risk of an employee falling at the workplace.  When selecting a control measure for the hazard of working at heights, it is imperative that the highest order, most effective option is selected, such as edge protection, restraint systems, or covers over openings.

RTO Partnering

Would you like to be able to deliver accredited training to your employees resulting in Nationally Recognised Qualifications?

Partnering Agreements are beneicial for our clients who have onsite trainers able to perform in-house training and assessment.  Under a Partnering Agreement OSCA will develop training materials to comply with our client’s training needs, allowing onsite trainers to deliver the training under our RTO status.

Nationally Recognised Safety Training for Mining, Rail and Construction.

Launch Your Career in High-Demand Mining & Rail Industries with Australia's Premier Occupational Skills Training Provider!