TLI27121 Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure
Launch Your Rail Industry Career with the TLI27121 Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure
Unlock Opportunities in Track Work: Gain the essential skills and knowledge to kickstart your career in the exciting rail industry. The TLI27121 Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure equips you for entry-level positions in track work, providing a solid foundation for further growth in this dynamic field.
Comprehensive Skill Development:
This program combines core units in communication, safety, and environmental practices with specialized track work training. Here’s what you’ll cover:
Core Units (6):
- Maintain and use hand tools (TLIB0012)
- Shift Materials Safely (TLID0020)
- Participate in Basic Workplace Communication (TLIE1003)
- Follow Work Health and Safety Procedures (TLIF0025)
- Apply Fatigue Management Strategies (TLIF2010)
- Apply Environmental Procedures (TLIU2008)
Specialist Track Work Units (6):
- Track Fundamentals (TLIB2085)
- Safely Access the Rail Corridor (TLIF0020)
- Operate Minor Mechanical Equipment (TLIB2092)
- Carry out Track Ballasting (TLIS2030)
- Install Railway Sleepers (TLIS2031)
- Install and Repair Rail Fastening Systems (TLIS2034)
- Carry Out Rail Installation (TLIS2044)
Broaden Your Skillset with General Electives (3):
- Operate Under Track Protection Rules (TLIW0007)
- Maintain Rail Joints (TLIB2121)
- Install and Maintain Rail Guards (TLIB2097)
Eligibility & Entry Requirements:
- Must be 15 years or older and no longer at school.
Investment & Funding:
- Contact OSCA for fee details (POA).
- Subsidies may be available: Eligibility criteria apply. Please contact OSCA to discuss.
Outcomes & Qualifications:
- Acquire the skills and knowledge to pursue careers as a Track Worker, Track Installer, or Track Maintainer.
- Earn nationally recognised Statements of Attainment for each successfully completed unit.
- Upon successful completion of all units, graduate with the TLI27121 Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure qualification.
Student Support & Resources:
- Occupational Skills Centre Australia (OSCA) provides all students with information on its training services and information, and on the rights of the students prior to enrolling into a Please refer to the Student Handbook
- All learning and assessment materials will be provided by OSCA
- Students will be required to complete written and practical assessments for this course – practical assessments are completed in a simulated Rail work environment
Ready to Launch Your Rail Career?
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